Indian Boards Database

39,631 individuals holding 55,600 directorship positions (as on 26-JUL-2024)

Product Summary

India’s first and only database dedicated to providing comprehensive data and analytics on boards of listed companies and a few prominent unlisted financial sector companies (AMCs, insurance companies etc.). This database is updated on a daily basis, with appointments and cessations of directors.

Some of the first-of-a-kind value-added features/reports of this database are:

  • Company Profile includes:
    • Composition of the Board
      • Position (on the board) being held, including past changes in position on board
      • Which director is independent or not
      • Date of appointment, including subsequent re-appointment/cessation dates
      • Validity of Tenure
    • Committee Details, including Chairperson and Member of each committee
    • Remuneration Data, including Salary, Variable Pay, Sitting Fee, Professional Fee (for services such as legal consultation, training etc.) and Ratio to Median remuneration
    • Cessations/Resignations which have taken place, including Last held Position on Board, Date of Cessation and Reason of Cessation
    • Attendance of Board Meetings
    • Board Evaluation Details
    • Skills/Competencies of Directors
  • Director Profiles include:
    • Age
    • Nationality
    • Father’s Name
    • Gender
    • Educational Qualifications
    • Skills/Competencies
    • Present Occupation
    • Directorships in other listed (including tenure) and unlisted companies
    • Membership of Board Committees
    • Cessations/Resignations from companies in the past
    • Board Meeting Attendance
    • Brief Biography
    • Remuneration
    • Connectivity with other directors (1st and 2nd degrees of connection, which is of use from a business development as also governance point of view)
    • Regulatory Actions against him/her (if any)
  • Search for Directors on the boards of companies using 16 parameters:
    • Director Surname (made possible due to extensive name cleaning/uniquing exercise)
    • Director Type
    • Position on Board
    • Chairperson/Member of Committee
    • Gender
    • Age
    • Nationality
    • Appointment Period
    • Cessation Period
    • Industry to which the Company (on whose board Director is) belongs
    • Index to which the Company (on whose board Director is) belongs
    • Minimum Educational Qualifications
    • Educational Institution
    • Foreign Education (Y/N)
    • Civil Services
    • Number of Present Directorships in Listed Companies
  • League Tables (Rankings) of remuneration of directors, wholetime or independent, male or female
  • Ranking on basis of ‘Ratio to Median Remuneration’
  • Compilation of lists of independent and non-independent directors of peer group companies, along with their respective remuneration
  • Companies with most cessations of Independent Directors and Independent Directors with most cessations
  • Mid-term cessations of Independent Directors along with reason given for cessation
  • Search for directors having a particular Skill/Competency
  • Directors disqualified by MCA & their directorships
  • Companies which are non-compliant in terms of number of independent directors or women directors or women independent directors
  • Companies in which Chairperson and MD/CEO are the same or related or Chairperson is Executive and on Companies where Chairperson & MD/CEO are not same or related & Chairperson is Non-Executive
  • Companies with women directors on their boards, women directors on the boards of NSE-listed companies and Directorships of women in listed companies (including if they are related to promoter family)
  • Individuals holding more than 7 directorships in listed companies, individuals holding more than 7 independent directorship positions in NSE-listed companies and individuals holding more than 3 independent directorship positions and at least 1 wholetime directorship position in NSE-listed companies
  • Forthcoming Expiry of Director Tenures and Number of years in the same company as an independent director
  • Companies with Foreign Nationals on their board
  • Companies with Members of Civil Services on their board
  • Age Summary of Directors on Boards
  • Education Level of Directors on Boards
  • Institutions having nominees on Boards
  • Inter-connectedness of NSE-listed company boards on the basis of common directors and on the basis of cross linkage of Independent & Non-Independent Directors
  • Snapshot Reports for All Directors All Companies, Only Independent Directors All Companies, All Directors NIFTY Companies, Women Directors All Companies etc. to give a birds eye view in terms of composition, tenure, age, education etc.
  • Company Profile & Director Profile Reports (in PDF format)
  • Resource Centre containing news articles relating to Corporate Governance, Women Directors, Independent Directors, Remuneration of Directors etc.

Database Coverage

Companies Period Numbers
All Companies listed on NSE 1st January 2006 onwards 2,391
Companies exclusively listed on BSE with market capitalization of more than Rs.1000 crore 1st April 2019 onwards 150
Unlisted Financial Sector Companies 217

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If you wish to become an Independent Director, click here
If you are a Company, click here

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