Corporate Social Responsibility Database

90,330 crore spent (as on 31-MAR-2022)

Product Summary

India’s first and only database dedicated to providing comprehensive data and analytics on Corporate Social Responsibility spends of companies, updated on a daily basis.

Search Parameters

  • Company/NSE Symbol
  • Industry
  • Index
  • Group
  • Market Capitalisation
  • Financial Year
  • Average Net Profit of last three Financial Years
  • Prescribed CSR Expenditure
  • Amount to be spent as decided by company
  • Sector in which the CSR Activity is covered
  • State where amount spent

Some of the other first-of-a-kind value-added features/reports of this database are:

  • Break-up of spends, activity-wise, schedule-wise and state-wise (along with name of cities/districts/villages), including details of the Projects/Activities
  • Break-up of amount spent directly and through implementing agency
  • CSR Board Committee
  • CSR Report extracted from the Annual Report
  • Reasons for unspent amount
  • Aggregate CSR spends by companies listed on NSE
  • Companies which exceeded their prescribed spending
  • Companies, which despite reporting a loss, spent on CSR
  • Companies which have not spent the required amount under CSR
  • State-wise spends
  • Schedule-wise spends

Database Coverage

Companies Period
All Companies listed on NSE 1st April 2014 onwards
Companies exclusively listed on BSE with market capitalization of more than Rs.1000 crore 1st April 2019 onwards

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