Corporate Events Calendar Database

Product Summary

India’s first and only database dedicated to providing comprehensive data and analytics on corporate events covering past and forthcoming AGMs/EGMs, Board Meetings, Bondholders Meetings, Corporate Actions, Court/NCLT Convened Meetings, Investor/Analyst Meets and Postal Ballots. All reports/features/functionalities available in the AGM/EGM & Postal Ballot Resolutions Database, Board Meeting Resolutions Database, Investor Meets Database and Corporate Actions Database, as given above in this catalogue, have been consolidated in this database. This database is updated on a daily basis.

Search Parameters

  • Company/NSE Symbol
  • Industry
  • Index
  • Group
  • Market Capitalisation
  • Period
  • Purpose/Resolution/Subject
  • Event Type (AGM/EGM, Board Meeting, Bondholders Meeting, Corporate Action, Court/NCLT Convened Meeting, Corporate Presentation, Investor/Analyst Meet, Postal Ballot)
  • Name of Investor/Analyst/Broker/IR Firm
  • Investor/Analyst/Broker/IR Firm Name ‘Contains’
  • Meeting Type (Conference Call, One-on-One Meeting etc.)
  • FPI Category

Database Coverage

Companies Period
All Companies listed on NSE 1st April 2013 onwards
Companies exclusively listed on BSE with market capitalization of more than Rs.1000 crore 1st April 2019 onwards

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