Using this module, you can avail the following 2 services:
You can search through our database of directors who are or were on the boards of NSE-listed companies, using the following 16 search parameters:
You can view regularly updated data of directors on the boards of your peer group companies. You can select up to 35 companies. Data shall include Composition of the Board, Position on the Board of Directors, Independent/Non-Independent Status, Date of Appointment, Tenure, Committee Details, Remuneration paid to Executive and Non-Executive Directors, including break-up (salary, sitting fees, commission, ratio to median remuneration etc.), Resignations of Directors, Attendance, Board Evaluation Details, Skills/Competencies of Directors and Individual Director profiles covering their gender, age, nationality, educational qualifications, skills/competencies, present occupation, directorships in other listed (including tenure) and unlisted companies, membership of board committees, attendance details, cessations/resignations from companies in the past, regulatory actions against him/her (if any), a brief biography, connectivity with other directors as also data on their remuneration.
In addition, you shall receive email alerts whenever there is a new appointment or cessation in such companies.
The above services are available through an Annual Subscription. To subscribe, please send an email to We shall then get back to you with pricing and other details.