Website Updated till 06-MAR-2025
The information shown above is as provided by the company/updated by us.
There could be a time lag between the date of company filing information/correction with us and the same getting reflected on this website, mainly because of the processes involved as also the need for data verification/cleaning.
Tenure of directors has been captured from announcements starting from 01-Aug-2017 onwards.
Data for a company prior to its listing on NSE is not available.
Data for Companies exclusively listed on BSE with market capitalization more than Rs. 1000 crore is available from 1st April 2019 onwards.
In case you notice any discrepancies with the data, you are requested to let us know immediately so that we can take appropriate action.
Committee details is available from 2015-16 onwards.
View Remuneration Break-Up
Cessations data is from 1 January 2006 onwards.
Board Meeting Attendance data is available from 2014-15 onwards.
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Board evaluation details have been captured as disclosed by the companies. No editing/error correction has been done.